O Que Fazemos

Alavancamos os profundos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo de anos de trabalho com bancos, comerciantes, redes, empresas de tecnologia financeira, processadores e investidores, para gerar impacto para os nossos clientes.

Enterprise payments strategy
We help our clients define and implement competitively differentiated payments strategies for their company, including managing through chaotic markets for disruptive change.
Impactful partnerships
We identify the best partners for our clients and optimize partnerships through RFP evaluations and negotiations.
Risk, compliance, and fraud
We help our clients manage fraud risk, compliance requirements, and other elements to ensure success.
Digital payments market
We advise clients on all aspects of the digital transformation taking place in Payments including customer experience, recommended local and global forms of payment acceptances, business models, processing and gateway vendor partnerships, risk and fraud management and more.
Payments Maximization
We develop a comprehensive understanding of our client’s current ecosystem surrounding payments including: volumes, costs including fraud losses, customer experience, vendor partnerships, operational setup, and organization structure. From there, we work with our client to optimize according to their strategy which can include lowering costs, improving customer experience, and ensuring strong fraud and risk management.
Due diligence
We devise disciplined investment examinations for payments transactions that demonstrate profitable portfolios and value for stakeholders.


Ajudamos os nossos clientes a definir e implementar estratégias de pagamento diferenciadas e competitivas para os seus negócios, bem como a gerir o mercado, a fim de alcançar mudanças disruptivas.


Identificamos os melhores parceiros para os nossos clientes e otimizamos as relações através de avaliações e negociações de pedido de proposta.


Ajudamos os nossos clientes a gerir o risco de fraude, requisitos de conformidade e outros elementos para garantir o sucesso.


Aconselhamos os clientes sobre todos os aspetos da transformação digital que está a ocorrer na indústria de pagamentos, incluindo a experiência do cliente, as formas locais e globais recomendadas de aceitação de pagamentos, modelos de negócio, parcerias de fornecedores de processos, gestão de risco e fraude, e muito mais.


Desenvolvemos um estudo abrangente do ecossistema de pagamentos correntes dos nossos clientes, incluindo: volumes, custos (incluindo perdas por fraude), experiência do cliente, parcerias com fornecedores e estrutura organizacional. A partir daí, trabalhamos com o nosso cliente para otimizar o ecossistema de acordo com a sua estratégia, o que pode incluir a redução de custos, a melhoria da experiência do cliente e a garantia de uma gestão robusta do risco e da fraude.


Elaboramos exames de investimento para transações de pagamentos que demonstrem carteiras rentáveis e valor para as partes interessadas.


Como pensamos

Digging Below The Surface In Payments

We highlight recent work at the fundamental, infrastructure level of the Payments makeover

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How Gen Z Shops and Pays: A Guide for Merchants

BNPL solutions, cryptocurrency, and super apps are becoming the preferred way for younger consumers to shop and pay

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Becoming Frenemies with Delivery Super Apps

Relying on delivery aggregators has direct implications on merchants' revenue and multiple aspects of their payments operations

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Unlocking $120 Billion Value In Cross-border Payments

How banks can leverage central bank digital currencies

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Virtual Care Paves the Way for Modernizing Patient Payments

The growth in virtual care creates an opportunity for healthcare organizations to adopt more consumer-friendly payment tactics.

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Podcast: The Future of Commerce is Now. Episode Guest Beth Costa

Beth Costa shares perspectives on the dynamic side of Payments, and the latest pandemic impacts to commerce, Insurance, small businesses and Millennials.

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Is It Time To Accept Crypto?

Considerations for commerce.

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Streamlining Patient Payments

Healthcare has long struggled to come up with consumer-friendly processes for billing and payment, areas that have become more complicated to address.

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Quem Somos

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